Wednesday, March 05, 2008
Finally have the time to blog. Been so busy with work and travel that I've been on hiatus for so long. Ha. Anyway, just wanna share something real funny with fellow Singaporeans!
This recent hype about the Mas Selamat bin Kastari has really bought fear to fellow citizens, everybody changing their daily routines; sis not jogging at Bkt Timah hill anymore, kids being told off by parents for hanging outside at parks, etc.
Well, government's PR is pretty slow in updating the citizens too. They just published the clothes which may be discarded by Mas Selamat, asking for public response, but for goodness sake, he would be in Bali by now in an Hugo Boss suit!
Since the government is doing the best they can now, so I would appeal to the public to do their part too! (ha, sounds kinda cliche, but well, hehe)
Alright, gotta pack up now. Work to be done....
PS: the past is sneaking up onto me....
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