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Monday, May 16, 2011

I had enough....

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Phuket April Trip

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Yeah~ Back from Phuket again.

This trip was fun, except for the rainy weather for a couple of days. And in addition to Songkran Festival, I was TOTALLY DRENCHED! Haha.

Having stayed there for so many days, I've picked up the traditional Thai Bargaining Skills. Just mark down 40% for all the initial prices quote to get a good price. Hehe. But darn, it's still much more expensive than Bangkok. Ok, next trip, CHINA! Ha.

Here's the hotel I'm staying at.... Great view of the pool and sunset.

Wanted to rent a Jeep to travel around the island, but just simply cant find one near my hotel. Darn. And wanting to absorb the great Phuket weather (which I regretted almost instantly), I've gotten myself a cute bike named 1 Lai. Haha. PS: regretted caused it rained an hour after I got the bike.

Looking cool on the bike yeah. Didn't wanna have pillion rider cause it's way too dangerous (my skills were good, it's the traffic which is terrible) ha.

So gotten around the island on the 2 wheeler, and you can see me taking refuge from the rain. Bikes soaking wet. The darn rain felt like needles piercing my body. Worse part is the toot helmet.... should have gotten full face helmet. Ha.

By the time I reached Patong, I was so wet from the rain that I didnt really bother about people splashing water or using their super-soaker on me. That was one of the times I regretted getting the bike. Ha.

Anyway for the next day, Songkran Festival, went island hopping on a yacht. (Partly also to avoid the traditional water spashing, had too much of it the previous day). So well, saw JAMES BOND ISLAND. Haha, so commercialized that even Sentosa looks better than that.

So ended up at an island called Long Island, with Long Island Tea being their specialty. (no it didnt originate from that island). It was so relaxing that I fell asleep almost immediately when I laid on the hammock, and oh man, look like a pig in this picture.

We went to this floating gypsy village too.... Too tired of tourist hotspot, so left there pretty fast.

Anyway, it was fun.... Wouldnt mind going there again, except for the fact that there're more Farangs (thai for foreigners) there than locals. Mm, not to visit tourist-filled places in the future.

Oh well, the other pics are just too embarrassing. Ha. So well, that's all folks~!

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Back from Phuket!

Friday, March 21, 2008

Finally have the time to blog after so long. Been busy with so many stuffs lately! Anyway, Phuket was great, especially the penthouse villa at Movenpick Resort & Spa @ Karon Beach. Hehe, highly recommend that, since it's only abt THB1000 more then the normal villa. But mm, the private pool looks a little dirty, so best to soak in the hot tub instead. Ha.

PS: The upside is that the bathroom is OPEN CONCEPT. Hehehehe.

The only down side of the trip is the HEAT! Went shopping for a very Thailand singlet at the stalls just outside the hotel, but by the time we've finished bargaining, the sun has already set. =p Too bad i guess, since I dont have much use for that in Singapore. Check out that sweat at Karon beach!

Tried out the ATV over there.... Way cool. HEhe. But for anybody heading there, please DO NOT wear jeans or any clothings that you'd like to use again.... cause it's.... DARN SWEATY and MUDDY! Haha. Cant believe the dust you get on dry land, and the mud you get when u reach the coastal area. Anyway, the guy below is one of my guides, and yes they speak English quite well. The only downside of this part of the trip is that my ATV keeps shutting down whenever it's stationary. So gotta keep rev-ing it up, adrenalin rush on the slopes! Ha.

Took some pictures of the tuk-tuk which the hotel have at your disposal. Fast & Furious! =p

Nothing much to do there at night except drinking, drinking and drinking.... and erm, visiting a strip club (not ladyboys.... ha) .... And taking photos.... HAha.

Well, gonna be heading there again next month. Tune in for more updates.... next month! Haha.

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JI Leader's Profile Pictures

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Finally have the time to blog. Been so busy with work and travel that I've been on hiatus for so long. Ha. Anyway, just wanna share something real funny with fellow Singaporeans!

This recent hype about the Mas Selamat bin Kastari has really bought fear to fellow citizens, everybody changing their daily routines; sis not jogging at Bkt Timah hill anymore, kids being told off by parents for hanging outside at parks, etc.

Well, government's PR is pretty slow in updating the citizens too. They just published the clothes which may be discarded by Mas Selamat, asking for public response, but for goodness sake, he would be in Bali by now in an Hugo Boss suit!

Since the government is doing the best they can now, so I would appeal to the public to do their part too! (ha, sounds kinda cliche, but well, hehe)

Alright, gotta pack up now. Work to be done....

PS: the past is sneaking up onto me....

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Japan Trip

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Finally able to find some time to upload the photos! Ha. I’ve been so busy with work and stuffs lately that I can hardly have time for myself. Ha.

Local Transportation

Local Transport

Asakusu Shrine

Shibuya Night! Grinz

Tsukiji Fish Market

Hama-Rikyu Green Tea

Sega Building! Fulfilled my Initial-D dream!

Palette Town

Onsen. The place where all men openly show their mojo! I felt so proud there. Ha, kidding.

Tokyo Tower

Hakone! It was a long long drive…. Dumb to pick a public holiday to go. Ha


Fifth Station

Ueno & Tokyo Dome.

Shinjuku’s Party night!

The equipment which blended me in…. The Bike!

Smoker’s Style! Such a clean environment. Hehe

Ok, enough. Gotta go. =)

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New MRT Route

Sunday, August 05, 2007

This is the latest version of the upcoming MRT route in Singapore. Well, believe that the MRT route can be a good gauge of the property prices in Singapore. Easier accessibility and convenience is usually the main concern of the property buyers.

Anyway, something should really be done at the SBS's services and timing. Though it's clean and spacious, peak hour traffic is atrocious. In addition to that, try taking a cab at 11+pm, even if most of the cabs are empty, they'd just reject you if the destination u're going doesnt suit them. Tsk tsk. They should really learn a lil or two from HK cab drivers. (fast & furious.... wooo) haha.

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The Boo boo bloggers...

Saturday, July 28, 2007

In conjunction with the recent hype of the celebrity bloggers such as XiaXue and StevenLim saga, i've chanced upon some pretty interesting blogs in the net.

URL for StevenLim’s comments: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=riBS5cURFRI

Just so hilarious! Haha. They really brought some laughter to the Singapore blogging community. To think he had come up with a phrase “Chicken Pie” to replace the popular hokkien vocabulary of ch** b**…. HAha.

The Lao Zha Bor: http://laozhabor.blogspot.com/

And oh! This is a real knockout. She’s the ‘trendy’ new-age old ahma, who’s currently with the Jack Neo’s Team of ad-hoc actors. Many of the Singaporeans might find her familiar, as she’s appearing quite frequently in the Monday variety shows.

It’s already amazing that she has moderate English vocabulary, and what’s really astonishing is that she can blog and hyperlink pretty well. Ha!

Anyway, the internet has appeared to be too hazardous for people without social etiquette, with the defamations going on, people might think Singaporeans have too much time on hand, especially with their atrocious English (Read: StevenLim).

Hehe. Still amused by the video. May the force be with them…. (awaiting for The Empire strikes back.) Hehe

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Thursday, June 21, 2007

An entire family of monkeys just outside my house, n there're quite a number of cars almost ran over a couple of those on the road. They've grown to be audacious and bold enough to trespass into the houses in my neighbourhood recently.

If only there're wild boars too.... (slurps) Ha, kiddin.

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